PhD Status — Completed!

My doctorate studies are finally completed! The work was done, the thesis submitted, viva voce (oral examination) passed, and minor corrections completed, and today is the day of my graduation at Edinburgh.

My PhD thesis is titled “Decoding information from neural populations in the visual cortex”. If you are interested in seeing what it was all about, you can look through this approachable lay summary (PDF) of the contents, which gives an overview without using any technical jargon.

Fellow researchers may be interested in reading the abstract (PDF), which provides a more technical description and assumes some familiarity with the field of research (neuroinformatics).

If you want to delve into some of the content from the full thing, here is a copy of the thesis (PDF). There is also a printer-friendly copy (PDF), which uses black for all the links (which looks better when printed, as well as saving on toner).

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