Scott C. Lowe

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  • PhD Status — Completed!

    My doctorate studies are finally completed! The work was done, the thesis submitted, viva voce (oral examination) passed, and minor corrections completed, and today is the day of my graduation at Edinburgh. [Read More]
  • Automating Feature Rescaling with Gaussianisation

    In this post, I’ll discuss feature scaling and an idea I had about rescaling features so they are transformed into Gaussian distributions in additon to standardisation. I’ll be doing the Gaussianisation using the Box-Cox transformation. [Read More]
  • Rank-Hot Encoder for Ordinal Features

    In the past, whenever I’m working with a dataset which contains ordinal features, I’ve never known what to do with them. But now, I think I’ve come up with a good solution, which is the rank-hot encoder. [Read More]
  • Setting Colour Schemes in Matlab

    Quite a while ago now, I was in the situation where I was moving from one MATLAB installation to another, and I wanted to transfer my custom-made GUI colour scheme settings from the old installation to the new one. Since I wanted a dark-background theme, I had long-ago customised the... [Read More]